Síntomas depresivos, de ansiedad y estrés en madres primíparas jóvenes y tardías y variables asociadas a la maternidad Solapas principales
In the context of motherhood, young and late primiparous mothers, with a newborn (first four weeks of life) and a baby (28 full days) can be affected by depressive, anxiety and stress symptoms. This study aimed to raise and compare such symptoms and a possible relationship with maternal age and the age of children, newborns or babies. Thirty-three young primiparous mothers aged 18 to 25 years participated in the research, 31 with a newborn child and 2 with a baby child and 19 late primiparous mothers aged over 35 years. being 8 with a newborn child and 11 with a baby child. Data were collected using a sociodemographic questionnaire/clinical record, instruments for the assessment of depressive symptoms (LIS-D), stress (LIS-E), anxiety (LIS-A) and the DASS. The study hypothesis was that anxiety, stress and depression symptoms would be observed in greater quantity in young mothers compared to late mothers. Higher scores for anxiety symptoms in young mothers and higher scores for somatic depressive symptoms in late mothers were found in relation to the baby's age, with a statistically significant difference (p ≤ 0,05).
Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Young Primiparous Mothers, Late Primiparous MothersDownloads
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