Educational System and Mental Health: A Relevant Association in Promotion and Prevention for Schooled Adolescents


  • Ximena Macaya Sandoval Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile
  • Benjamín Vicente Parada Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile


Schools have a significant role in prevention and promotion in mental health and early intervention for students considered at risk. The aim of this theoretical research was to know mental health in the school setting and identify how the educational system is linked to mental health and plays a relevant role in the promotion and prevention of schooled adolescents. A descriptive review of the literature was conducted in order to extract the necessary information concerning the aim of the study. The results show that there is a consensus that the mental health programs conducted at schools are convenient because they favor the development of social-emotional skills that constitute protective factors. In conclusion, educational institutions need to be visualized as an entity that could satisfy the needs that are urgently noticed in prevention and promotion in mental health in schooled adolescents.


Adolescent, Mental health, Educational system, Early intervention

