Sense of Community: Utopia or Possibility for the Reconstruction of the Colombian Psychosocial Fabric?
The POLITEIA research seedbed of the Faculty of Psychology of the Catholic University of Colombia, in the attempt to contribute to the strengthening of the sense of country, has been generation reflection processes from the perspective of community psychology, with the clarity and certainty that this disciplinary field has much to contribute. Given the dynamics of poverty, inequality, inequity, corruption among others, which instead of decreasing increase in Colombia, it is proposed that one of the fundamental and most complex challenges for the decrease of these conditions is to learn or releam to see the “other”, from its difference, to involve it in processes of construction of objectives and sustainable solutions, which implies favoring greater respect towards others, until recognizing it as an equal and being able to place it in horizontal and dialogical relationships. Consistent with this approach, this essay intends firstly to make visible how community psychology can contribute from strengthening the sense of community, in this challenge and secondly, to invite the reader to think and reflect on their possibilities as an agent of change, in a world that cries out for more equitable, fair, responsible and conscious ways of relating.
Sense of community, Peace, Social reconstruction, Community psychologyDownloads
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