Poverty and personal welfare in parents and mothers. A review of literature


  • Viviana Blanco Castro Universidad de Concepción. Escuela de Trabajo Social, Facultad de Psicologia. Universidad San Sebastián, Sede Tres Pascualas, Chile. Miembro Observatorio de Parentalidad Udec.
  • Felix Cova Solar Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Miembro Observatorio de Parentalidad Udec
  • Claudia Campillo Toledano Universidad de Chile, Chile


The objective of this review was to synthesize the main results and identify the gaps identified in the research published in the last 5 years, on the relationship between multidimensional poverty and personal well-being in fathers and mothers. Information was extracted from journals indexed in the Web of Science (WOS), Scopus and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) databases, those studies published between the years 2015-2019 were considered. The results are summarized in the low educational level, unemployment or the low quality of jobs, low incomes and financial difficulties, instability of access to housing, food insecurity, intimate partner violence, and insecurity of neighborhoods, the limitation of providing extracurricular activities to children and the responsibilities and demands of parenting, affect the well-being of fathers and mothers. Social support is a protective factor.


Poverty, Wellbeing, Fathers, Mothers

