Development and Validation of the Self-perceived Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire with Mexican Workers


  • Javier Neri Uribe Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México


Two studies with mexican workers (N = 374 and N = 106) are presented, whose objectives were to prepare a questionnaire to measure emotional intelligence as a set of self-perceived cognitive abilities, and analyze its content, factorial, and concurrent validity. The method included peer review, exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and correlation. As a result, the judges indicated possessing valid content; the EFA yielded a two-dimensional structure (X2 = 1383.45; gl = 351; P = 0.000), which was confirmed with CFA (X2/gl = 1.51; CFI = .92; IFI = .93; RMSEA = .07; PNFI = .70) and showed concurrent validity with social inhibition. Some limitations are discused, such as the unique use of self-reported questionnaire, and the relevance of providing a new scale to measure emotional intelligence. It is concluded abou its validity and reliability


Emotional intelligence, Questionnaire, Validation, México

